— 100g olive oil
— 50g pork cheek
— 250g onions
— Half black cabbage
— 2 Courgettes
— 150g peas
— 250g potatoes
— 2 carrots
— 1 celery rib
—Basil and parsley
— 300g white beans
— 250g tomatoes
— 250g stale bread
— Salt and pepper
- In the original recipe, the slices of stale bread must be layered with the vegetables; the soup must rest for half an hour to let the bread be soaked. Somedy prefer toasted and still crisp bread at the last minute, but it is not the same!
Mince onion, celery, basil, parsley, pork cheeck and make them to brown.. - Add the black cabbage torn leaves, covert the saucepan and let them to cook some minutes adding warm water (it would be better to use the water where the beans have boiled). Add cut carrots, potatos, courgettes, peas and tomatoes. Salt and let the soup to cook for about one hour, adding water. At the end add half beans and the other hald after having passed them. Stir.
- Slice the bread and put it on the bottom of a tureen; cover with soup. Repeat till the soup is finisched. Let the soup to rest. You may add an oil thread and pepper on the dish.